First infra-Legalities Advisory Group meeting

Image of advisory group

On 30 April 2021 the infra-Legalities research team hosted our first (virtual) meeting of the project Advisory Group via Zoom.  Participants included: Dr. Sara Kendall (Kent Law School), Professor Eveleyn Ruppert (Goldsmiths), Dr. Julien JEANDESBOZ (Université libre de Bruxelles), Professor Deirdre Curtin (EUI), Professor Michael Rovatsos (The University of Edinburgh), together with project mentors Professor Mariana Valverde (University of Toronto) and Professor Emily Grabham (Kent Law School).

The Advisory Group helps to set the strategic direction of the research project and provide informal advice and oversight. Topics discussed include: intended empirical research areas, upcoming project conferences and events, as well as current and future publication plans. Pandemic-permitting, we hope to convene to Advisory Group in person next year and beyond.